Saturday, September 13, 2008

How it feels to have a weekend off :)

It would be nice to find out some day :). For now, weekends are workdays, the main difference from regular Mondays or Wednesdays being the attire, i.e. lack of it. Absurd as it may sound, I actually like translating on weekends. Probably because if I work on something on weekends, this something is actually the whole thing. In other words: on weekends I don't get urgent calls at home/messages at the office that something has popped up and needs to be done pronto. Much as I like the adrenaline of an express translation of a confidential contract between major businesses, with this sweet knowledge that if I screw up, we're all screwed up, it nevertheless is a distraction. And on weekends such distractions are nonexistent, which is good. However, working on weekends means that instead of relaxing and fooling around, I'm, in fact, at work, which is bad. Oh well, that's the beauty of it all.

Currently translating: a HUGE manual for a major international shipping company, whose name I am not to disclose :)

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